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, Trash Rooms Are Dangerous Places!

Prevent Accidents From Happening!

Trash disposal seems like a simple job, so your employees may tend to let their guard down when working in the trash room. The truth is that there can be serious consequences if proper safety procedures aren’t observed.

Lack of Safety Leads to Tragedy

Sadly, a 56-year-old man in Palatine, IL became a fatality after entering the trash room at his apartment building. When Roger Mirro discovered that his cell phone was missing, he suspected he may have accidentally dropped it down the garbage chute. Mirro then headed to the trash room in the lower-level parking garage to search for his phone

Mirro’s wife returned home after an outing with friends and became concerned about her husband’s absence. The police were called, and they were directed to the trash room by a neighbor who said that Mirro had asked him for a key.

After searching the underground garage, the police found that the lock on the trash room door had been removed. Upon entering the room, they discovered a ladder propped up against the trash compactor and Mirro’s body, showing “obvious signs of trauma caused by the compactor,” was inside.

Our WasteCaddy Reduces Workplace Injuries and Down Time

Moving heavy dumpsters can result in a variety of injuries, which in turn increases your insurance premiums. The WasteCaddy from DJ Products is powerful enough to let a single person move dumpsters weighing up to 5,000 pounds, and it’s ergonomically designed to prevent repetitive motion injuries.

Visit our website and chat with our sales engineers about the WasteCaddy and our full line of battery-powered tugs and movers.

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