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The Property Manager’s Guide to Recycling

, The Property Manager’s Guide to Recycling

Future Recycling Tips

Recycling has become one of the key words in this modern world of managing waste removal. The more items that can be recycled, the less garbage that ends up in landfills. That’s a good thing for both the community, as a whole, and the environment.

The First Step

Dumpster management is important for recycling to be a normal part of any commercial property. Most waste removal companies feature recycling as a regular part of their business, with a minimal or no extra charge. Having a dumpster set aside just for recyclables, goes far and away to promote a recycling mindset, because people will literally separate recyclable materials from trash, if given the option. And that’s what dumpster management is all about.


The second step is to make sure that people are aware that they have a recycling option. Signage and notifications, on printed media that can be posted in common accessible places, like laundry areas for example, are good reminders that items should be separated and placed in the correct receptacles. This can be done as a regular reminder in newsletters, notices can be tacked to bulletin boards, and signs can be mounted to the enclosure that houses the dumpsters. In this way, you’ll always keep the idea of recycling front and center, and doing so will always lead to more participation.

For more information about the easy way to move your dumpsters around, or for other industrial cart movers that may suit your warehouse or other industry, like trailer movers or small aircraft tuggers, please contact DJ Products. We have the right moving solution for any industrial need.

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