Forbes Evaluates the Cost of Ownership of Small Aircraft
There are many factors that affect the cost of ownership of small aircraft. That is why a lot of aviation enthusiasts opt to rent small aircraft instead of taking on the many expenses that come with owning their own plane.
Airplane hangar owners and airport managers can significantly reduce their operating expenses with efficient solutions like an aircraft caddy from DJ Products. These battery-powered tugs can operate on pavement, grass, and even ice. They allow one person to smoothly move small planes quietly and safely.
What does it cost to own a small plane?
Forbes ran an article by a Quora contributor on the costs associated with owning small aircraft. The costs add up quickly and many expenses like insurance, annual inspections, hangar rental, and licensing fees are due annually.
Aircraft maintenance is costly, too. While some automobile owners may push their luck by skipping routine maintenance when money is tight, airplane owners don’t get that option. Knowledgeable pilots can save some money by doing a lot of the minor mechanical work themselves, but aircraft engines must be completely rebuilt or replaced eventually.
Also, aviation fuel costs much more than gas for automobiles and Single engine planes burn through 8 to 20 gallons per hour of flight.
Flying is a hobby fueled by passion
For many recreational pilots, flying is in their blood and their life feels incomplete without it. If you have a small airport with planes for rent, they will come.
We want to help your business operate efficiently and safely. Our passion is providing business owners like you with the best possible tuggers and aircraft movers available. Contact one of our knowledgeable and courteous sales engineers today to discuss which aircraft caddy is best for you.